
Showing posts from 2014

Google Analytics Account Structure

Lets discuss how Google Analytics account is structured and the implications this has for data collection, processing and reporting. Accounts Your access point for Analytics, and the topmost level of organization. A Google Analytics account is simply a logical way for a business to group data from all of its digital assets together. There are also certain configuration settings that you apply to your entire account, like managing the users who have access Properties Within each account, you can have one or more properties that independently collect data. Each property is assigned a unique tracking ID that tells Google Analytics exactly which data should be collected, stored and reported together. Typically you create separate accounts for unique businesses or distinct business units. Then you can  create unique properties within that account for the different websites, mobile applications, or other digital assets that belong to the business. This appro...

Google Analytics Implementation

"What gets measured, gets managed."              -Peter Drucker If you have website, blog or mobile sites you want to track their performance. Getting visitors to your website is important, but it’s also important to understand how they are interacting with your website. Website analytics (the tracking of traffic to and on a website) helps website owners understand their online customers, potential customers and their interactions with their site. So lets start with steps for implementating Google Analytics : Step 1: Generating GATC code Step 2: Insert Google Analytics JavaScript Into Your Pages I will also try to explain Google Analytics Tracking Code (GATC) in brief Step 1: Generating GATC code 1) Sign in into Google Analytics( You can use gmail account or any email id to create account 2) Click the Sign Up button to continue. 3) Enter the URL of the site you wish to analyze 4) Give the site an a...

Google Analytics Implementation Roadmap

 Roadmap to implement Google Analytics.

Principles and Objectives for Online Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is a broad term that refers to various and different promotional techniques deployed to reach customers via digital technologies.Online marketing campaign is a coordinated series of steps that can include promotion of a product through Internet.So while designing the online campaign we should first decide the objective of campaign like creating awareness,establishing brand, increase sales  etc.An effective way to set objectives is to follow the well known acronym SMART. SMART Example And at last while designing the online campaign follow the below principles Be found Messaging should be clear Memorable to your target audience